"Electrochemical Energetics", 2012, Vol. 12, iss. 2

Alkaline batteries
Kuleshov V. N., Korovin N. V., Kuleshov N. V., Udris E. Y., Bakhin A. N.
YaDevelopment of new electrocatalysts for low temperature electrolysis of water
Smetankin G. P., Burdyugov A. S., Plokhova T. V.
Research of sealed nickel-cadmium accumu-lators with thin electrodes formation
Koshel' N. D., Malyshev V. V., Kurluk V. V.
The experimental study of the process of electrochemical syntheses of nickel hydroxide
Fuel cells
Gil'derman V. K., Antonov B. D.
Electrical conductivity and thermal expansion materials on the basis of Pr2-ySryNi1-xCuxO4 (x = 0/1: y = 0/0.15) for cathode of medium temperature electrochemical devices
Acid batteries
Kamenev Y. B., Shtompel' G. A., Chunts N. I.
Accelerated charge method of the lead-acid batteries. 1. Constant current stage of the charge
Chaika M. Y., Agupov V. V., Gorshkov V. S., Glotov A. V., Ermakov A. N., Kravchenko T. A.
The cjncentration effects of the conductive fillers in the carbon-carbon electrodes of the electrochemical capacitor
Prisyazhnyi V. D., Globa N. I., Pushik O. B., Potapenko A. V., Chaika M. Y., Agupov V. V., Gorshkov V. S.
The properties of active carbon materials in double layer super capacitors in the electrolyte based on the mi[ture of acetjnitrile-tetramethylammonium bis(oxalate) borate