ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

For citation:

Prisyazhnyi V. D., Globa N. I., Pushik O. B., Potapenko A. V., Chaika M. Y., Agupov V. V., Gorshkov V. S. The properties of active carbon materials in double layer super capacitors in the electrolyte based on the mi[ture of acetjnitrile-tetramethylammonium bis(oxalate) borate. Electrochemical Energetics, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 77-81. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2012-12-2-77-81, EDN: PEVNLZ

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The properties of active carbon materials in double layer super capacitors in the electrolyte based on the mi[ture of acetjnitrile-tetramethylammonium bis(oxalate) borate

Prisyazhnyi Vitalii Demyanovich, Interdepartmental Branch of Electrochemical Power of NAN of Ukraine
Globa Natal'ya Ivanovna, Interdepartmental Branch of Electrochemical Power of NAN of Ukraine
Pushik Oleg Bogdanovich, Interdepartmental Branch of Electrochemical Power of NAN of Ukraine
Potapenko Aleksandr Vasil'evich, Interdepartmental Branch of Electrochemical Power of NAN of Ukraine
Chaika Mikhail Yur'evich, ООО “Global SO”

The efficiency of the electrolyte based on the mixture of acetonitrile – tetramethylammonium bis(oxalate)borate with the concentration of the latter 0.7 mol/kg in double layer supercapacitors has been shown. Electrochemical properties of active carbon materials Norit DLC Supra 30 and Kausorb-212 have been investigated in supercapacitor samples of disk construction in 2016 dimensions using potentiodynamic and galvanostatic methods.


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