ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

Электрохимические конденсаторы

Влияние состава электролита катодного осаждения на морфологию и емкостные свойства плёнки МnO2

Оксид марганца получали методом катодного электрохимического осаждения из растворов электролитов с добавками нитрата или сульфата натрия. Структурные характеристики и элементный состав образцов МnO2 изучали методами энергодисперсионного микроанализа, ИК-спектроскопии и просвечивающей электронной микроскопии. Электрохимические характеристики электродов определяли методами циклической вольтамперометрии, гальваностатического заряда-разряда и импедансной спектроскопии в 0.5 М растворе Na2SO4.

Supercapacitors produced by industrial companies

The review of modern scientific and technical literature on supercapacitors produced by industrial companies is presented. The advantages of supercapacitors compared to batteries are: high power density, high cycleability, the ability to operate at extreme temperatures from –50 to +60°C, energy efficiency up to 100% and the ability to charge in a very short time.

On the influence of the carbon material surface fraction determined by porosity on the linearity of the charge-discharge characteristics of DLSC

The electrical and chemical characteristics of nanocomposite materials based on carbon black for double-layer supercapacitors were investigated. It was shown that the highest values of the specific capacitive characteristics were obtained for carbon material SP4 which has the largest specific surface area (total capacity 228 F/g, reversible capacity 162 F/g).

International Specialized Fair “INDEPENDABLE POWER SOURCES – 2023”

Международная специализированная выставка
«Автономные источники тока – 2023»
Дата проведения: 10–12 апреля 2023
Место проведения: г. Москва, ул. Новый Арбат, д. 36, фойе БКЗ здания Правительства
Время работы выставки:
10–11 апреля 2023 10.00–17.00
12 апреля 2023 10.00–12.00
Организатор: Национальная ассоциация производителей источников тока «РУСБАТ»

Impediance spectroscopy of modified potassium titanates. II

The electrochemical and electrophysical properties of basic and protonated potassium titanates in contact with the graphite electrodes were studied using the method of impedance spectroscopy. The characteristics of potassium titanates are given depending on the methods of modification and on the methods of their processing. The activation energies for some compositions were determined.

Electrophysical properties of ceramic materials based on manganese-containing potassium polytitanates

The new materials obtained in the potassium polytitanate (PPT)–MnSO4 system by modifying PPT in aqueous solutions of manganese sulfate of various concentrations, followed by thermal treatment and annealing at 1080°C, were synthesized and studied. The phase composition of the obtained materials was determined. Their electrochemical and electrophysical properties in the temperature range from 250 to 700°C were studied.

Impedance spectroscopy of modified potassium titanates. I

The electrochemical and electrophysical properties of the protonated and modified with silver iodide potassium titanates, which can be applied in energy storage units, have been investigated by impedance spectroscopy. It has been shown that the dielectric losses at medium and high frequencies are weakly dependent on the polarizing voltage. It has also been established that transfer in modified potassium titanate can be made through potassium and silver ions.

Sulfurizingpoly(5-vinyl-2-methyl)pyridine: synthesis and electrochemical properties

Poly(5-vinyl-2-methylpyridine) sulfurized with elemental sulfur at 140-320°C (sulfur content up to 45%) possess electric conductivity (6.4·10-11-1.6·10-7 S/cm), paramagnetism 6.2·1018–5.0·1019 sp/g, g = 2.0043-2.0046, AH = 0.49-0.58 mT), redox and complex-forming properties.

The automatic module for cycling of electrochemical cells

The automatic module device for cycling in galvanostatic regime with a wide range of charge/discharge current and measuring signals from electrochemical cells is developed. The software allowing governing the cycling processes and providing friendly interactive interface is written.

Development of a technology of hydrometallurgical processing of negative active masses of alkaline batteries

A hydrometallurgical processing of iron-cadmium masses extracted from the negative electrodes of used alkaline batteries was tested at the Leninsk-Kuznetsk Kuzbasselement plant (Kuzbasselement Ltd.) in trial scale. The technology proposed is capable of recycling cadmium (hydr)oxide and iron oxide, the main components of cathodic masses.
