"Electrochemical Energetics", 2012, Vol. 12, iss. 4

Rychagov A. Y., Vol'fkovich Y. M., Vorotyntsev M. A., Kvacheva L. D., Konev D. V., Krestinin A. V., Kryazhev Y. G., Kuznetsov V. L., Kukushkina Y. A., Mukhin V. M., Sokolov V. V., Chervonobrodov S. P.
Perspective Electrode Materials for Super-capacitors
Electrolytes for sources of electrochemical power
Burmakin E. I., Shekhtman G. S.
The Lithium-conducting Solid Electrolytes in the System Li4-3xGaxGeO4
Garkushin I. K., Zamaldinova G. I., Frolov E. I., Garkushin A. I.
Volume Change When Melting Halides of s'-Elements and their Double Mixes: Analytical Description, Calculation and Interrelation
Acid batteries
Zotova I. V., Burashnikova M. M., Kazarinov I. A.
Electrochemical Behavior of Pb-Sn-Ca-Al-Ba Alloys in Sulfuric Acid Solution