ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

литий-ионные аккумуляторы

Forecast for usage of germanium in lithium-ion batteries

Germanium is an attractive element for the anodes in lithium-ion battery. The current article discusses the issue of the availability of raw material for the battery industry, particularly in relation to Russia.

Nafion-based solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries

The use of solid polymer electrolytes is a novel and promising approach for enhancing the safety of lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries. A number of publications on manufacturing electrolytes with lithium-ion and sodium-ion conductivity based on Nafion-like polymers have appeared in recent decade. The present mini-review analyses various methods of the synthesis of such electrolytes and their properties, as well as the information on laboratory lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries using such electrolytes.


Одним из направлений по развитию литий-ионных аккумуляторов является разработка материала положительного электрода, от характеристик которого в значительной степени зависят конечные электрохимические параметры источника тока. В работе рассматривается влияние механоактивации и условий синтеза на структуру фосфата лития-ванадия. Показано, что механоактивация позволяет сократить время, уменьшить энергозатраты и увеличить выход ванадий-фосфат лития. Получено оптимальное соотношение активной массы/твердополимерного электролита/углерода для синтеза фосфата лития-ванадия.

Problems of development of lithium-ion batteries all over the world and in Russia

A brief analysis of the current situation in the development of lithium-ion batteries in Russia and all over the world has been carried out. The conclusion is made that Russia produces only a basis point of lithium-ion batteries in the world. It is predicted that Russian production of lithium-ion batteries may increase up to 0.2% in the world by 2030.

Study of the reversible electrochemical insertion of lithium into boron

The reversible insertion of lithium into electrodes based on amorphous boron has been studied. The reversible capacity upon the lithium insertion has been found to be about 750 mA⋅h/g. The most efficient in terms of specific capacity are the electrodes containing graphene as a conductive additive.

Negative electrodes based on regular structured porous silicon for lithium-ion batteries

Silicon electrodes with regular porous structure were prepared by the photoelectrochemical etching of single-crystal n-type silicon wafers, followed by the removal of the substrate. Electrodes with pores having circular and square section were studied. The porosity was increased via additional oxidation with the subsequent etching of oxide. The electrochemical characteristics of anodes were found to depend on porosity, electrodes with porosity 60-70% possessing maximal capacity for lithium reversible insertion.

Electrodes of lithium-ion batteries: some simple method for diagnostics of degradation at cycling

It is shown that an examination of reduced galvanostatic charge-discharge curves allows making preliminary conclusion on degradation mechanism upon cycling. If such degradation is due to loss of active material all normalized curves coincide. In the case of insulating films building up normalized curves are shifted along potential axis. Various structure changes result in qualitative change of curves shape.

Silicon electrodes degradation at cycling

On basis of analysis of literature data as well as of own experimental results we suggest some regularity for degradation of silicon electrodes upon cycling. It was shown that an electrode capacity Q at n-th cycle can be calculated from equation Q = Q0 exp(kn+?n2/2), where Q0 is initial capacity value, k и ? are empiric constants.

Properties of LiFePO4-based cathode material with additions of conducting polymer for Li–ion batteries

In this study, the electrochemical behavior and properties of the novel LiFePO4-based composite cathode material with a water-soluble binder LA-133 and a conductive polymer PEDOT:PSS (poly-3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene: polystyrenesulfonate) as an aqueous dispersion were studied. Using the conductive polymer in combination with a water-soluble binder LA-133 allows to reduce the proportion of electrochemically inactive components (up to 10\%) and thus to increase its specific capacity for a given weight of the active material.

The Problems of Low-temperature Lithium-ion Batteries


The critical analysis of literature of last 15 years, concerning features of low-temperature behavior of lithium-ion batteries is presented. Some generalized approaches to the problem as well as the role of main polarization components at low temperatures; features of functioning of negative and positive electrodes are reviewed. Some low-temperature electrolytes are reviewed as well.

