ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

удельная ёмкость

Влияние состава электролита катодного осаждения на морфологию и емкостные свойства плёнки МnO2

Оксид марганца получали методом катодного электрохимического осаждения из растворов электролитов с добавками нитрата или сульфата натрия. Структурные характеристики и элементный состав образцов МnO2 изучали методами энергодисперсионного микроанализа, ИК-спектроскопии и просвечивающей электронной микроскопии. Электрохимические характеристики электродов определяли методами циклической вольтамперометрии, гальваностатического заряда-разряда и импедансной спектроскопии в 0.5 М растворе Na2SO4.

The lead accumulators with surface electrodes

To increase the specific characteristics of the surface electrodes, used in the lead accumulators it is necessary to exclude the influence of the internal stress in the paste which is obtained by the electrochemical way. One of the variants of the solutions of this problem is the electrochemical obtaining the paste under the pressure directed to the surface of the forming paste.

Anodic behavior of electrolytically deposited lead and zinc in perchloric acid solutions and their possible use as anodes in backup power sources

The behavior of electrolytically deposited Pb and Zn in 40% perchloric acid at temperatures ranging from 30°C – +55°C. It is established that the electrochemical system Zn/HClO4/PbO2 has a higher discharge voltage and specific capacity compared to the system РЬ/НClO4/РЬO2. It is shown that in the temperature range from 0°C to +55°C the specific capacitance of the investigated electrochemical systems vary slightly.

Activated Carbon “NORIT B Test EUR” as an Electrode Material for Supercapacitors

The electrochemical characteristics of the electrode material based on activated “NORIT B Test EUR” carbon in 1 M sodium sulfate solution were evaluated by cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge curves, and impedance spectroscopy. It is established that this material has low resistance, and the specific capacity of the electrode was 45 F/g.

Влияние состава электролита на удельную ёмкость устройств с углеродной тканью Бусофит Т-040

The energy characteristics of prototypes of supercapacitors with carbon fabric electrodes Busofit T-040 were studied depending on the concentration of aqueous solutions of sulfate, sodium iodide and their mixtures without and in the presence of a corrosion inhibitor of the nickel collector – benzotriazole. It was found that the specific capacity of devices based on sodium iodide is almost two times higher than in the case using sulfate media. Close values of specific capacitance were obtained in devices based on mixed electrolytes.

Cathode material based on LiNi_(1/3)Mn_(1/3)Co_(1/3)O? and activated carbon for hybrid energy storage

The structure and specific electrochemical characteristics of a mixed cathode material based on ground LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 (NMC111) and highly porous activated carbon YEC-8B were studied. The mixed material containing 35 wt. % NMC111 and 65 wt. % YEC-8B (based on the mass of active materials), has a specific capacity ?70% higher in comparison with the cathode material based on pure coal YEC-8B.

Composite C/MnO? electrodes for electrochemical capacitors based on water electrolyte

The electrochemical properties of C/MnO2 composite materials in 1 M sodium sulfate solution were investigated using the methods of cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge and impedance spectroscopy. It was shown that the capacitive characteristics of the electrodes depend on the nature and the method of obtaining manganese oxide nanoparticles. It was established that the material containing manganese oxide obtained using isoamyl alcohol as a reducing agent has high electrochemical characteristics.