ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

Литиевые электрохимические системы

Negative electrodes based on regular structured porous silicon for lithium-ion batteries

Silicon electrodes with regular porous structure were prepared by the photoelectrochemical etching of single-crystal n-type silicon wafers, followed by the removal of the substrate. Electrodes with pores having circular and square section were studied. The porosity was increased via additional oxidation with the subsequent etching of oxide. The electrochemical characteristics of anodes were found to depend on porosity, electrodes with porosity 60-70% possessing maximal capacity for lithium reversible insertion.

Modern power sources for cardioelectronics

Cell with electrochemical system «lithium – fluorinated carbon» intended for electrical pacemakers have been developed. Their significant advantages over traditional lithium – iodine cells for pacemakers are shown. Discharges characteristics, a shelf-life, and reliability, as well as an effect of various additives in fluorinated carbon cathode on discharge characteristics have been studied.

Effect of feedstock on the characteristics of cathodes fluorinated carbon

The electrode behavior of various fluorinated graphite materials and different conductive additives in various electrolytes are studied. Fluorocarbon materials based on graphite fibers are shown to have the best discharge characteristics. The advantage of thin cathodes based on fluorinated nanomaterials with a solid polymer electrolyte in comparison with the similar electrodes with traditional fluorocarbon active material is demonstrated. The use of fluorinated nanomaterials results in increased discharge characteristics of the cells.

The kinetic of lithium ions intercalation in the anatase synthesized by sol-gel methods

Possibility of ultradispersed TiO22 (anatase modification) using as the base of the lithium power sources cathode material obtained by chloride-acid hydrolysis of titanium tetrachloride has been studied. The researches of Li+ ions electrochemical intercalation kinetics and phasic model of the process was suggested. The cathode material phase composition changes during discharge were fixed and interpreted.

Searching for Optimal Electrolyte Compo-sitions for Chemical Sources of the Current and Heat- Accumulating Materials on the Ba-sis of Li,K||F,Cl,VO3,MoO4 Five-component Resiprocal System

In modem technological processes increase used molten multicomponent solt mixtures. Determination of the composition and melting temperature are important in application of the compositions, identification of patterns processes occurring during melting and solidification of alloys, as well as the phases in equilibrium at a given thermodynamic conditions, possibly in the study of phase diagrams.

Corrosion and Еlectrochemical Behaviour of Magnesium and Magnesium-Lithium Alloys in Phosphoric Acid Media

The corrosion and electrochemical behavior of magnesium and the MA 21 magnesium-lithium alloys in solutions of moderately acidic phosphates with various additives was studied. The inhibiting effect of nitrate and fluoride ions on the anode dissolution of these objects was revealed. Features of the electrochemical dissolution of magnesium and the magnesium-lithium alloys in nitrate phosphate solutions with fluoride ions caused by their activation-passivation competition have been noted.

Spectral Analysis of Nonharmonic and Polyharmonic Responses of an Electrochemical Object at Impedance Measurements

Possibilities for increasing efficiency of impedance spectral measurements are investigated. It is shown that for determination of linear electrochemical impedance a linearly changing input signal is preferable, and for the quantitative estimation of non-linearity of electrochemical impedance as an input signal it is expedient to use the cosine electric beats. The constructive diagrams of generators of such signals are offered.

Experience of application of sources of the current of system lithium-tionilhlorid in the space-rocket technics

In article experience of application of chemical sources of a current of electrochemical system lithium – tionilchloride and batteries on their basis, in onboard systems of electrosupply of modern and perspective space-rocket technics of Russia is presented.

The reseiption of composite protective coat for aluminium and their alloys by reversal galvanostatic method

This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro* First pilot samples of composite sheetings based on various metallic matrixes (Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni) and ceramic fillers ((Al2O3, Cr2O3, MnO2, Fe3O4, NiO, AlN etc.) were obtained by means of the reverse galvanostatic technique.
