"Electrochemical Energetics", 2013, Vol. 13, iss. 2

Lithium electrochemical systems
Galperin V. A., Kitsyuk E. P., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M., Tuseeva E. K.
Silicon electrodes degradation at cycling
Fedotov D. B., Yalyushev N. I., Maftei A. N.
Experience of application of sources of the current of system lithium-tionilhlorid in the space-rocket technics
Galkin V. V., Lanina E. V., Shel'deshov N. V.
Dependence of the electrochemical characteristics of lithium-ion battery in the initial state and after Degradation of the structural parameters of the positive electrode
Acid batteries
Kamenev Y. B., Shtompel' G. A., Skachkov Y. V.
Accelerated charge method of the lead-acid batteries. 2. Constant current charge
Kamenev Y. B., Shtompel' G. A.
Accelerated charge method of the lead-acid batteries. 3. Pulse charge