"Electrochemical Energetics", 2008, Vol. 8, iss. 3

Savina E. E., Stepanov A. N., Abdullaev K. F., Kazarinov I. A., Golikova N. Y., Protasov E. N.
Chemical activation influence on the electrochemical and structural characteristics of the metal hydride electrode
Kamenev Y. B., Kiselevich A. V., Leonov V. N.
The influence of different factors on thermal balance in lead-acid battery
Kamenev Y. B., Lushina M. V., Vasina I. A.
Lead-acid batteries for partial-state-of-charge applications
Yarmolenko O. V., Tulibaeva G. Z., Baskakova Y. V., Bogdanova L. M., Dzhavadyan E. A., Komarov B. A., Rozenberg B. A., Efimov O. N., Fateev S. A.
Synthesis and research of electrochemical properties of new gel electrolytes based on polyester diacrylates and 1 M LiBF4 in gamma-butirolactone
Smetankin G. P., Matekin S. S., Burdyugov A. S., Plokhova T. V.
Accelerated forming of nickel-cadmium battery by asymmetrical current
Smetankin G. P., Burdyugov A. S., Matekin S. S.
Analysis of Ni-Cd battery efficiency charged with asymmetric and direct current
Stikhin A. S., Teslya V. I., Tsedilkin A. P., Shvetsov A. S.
Prospects of Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Development for Electrically Driven Car with Fuel Cell Power Plant