ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

электрохимический конденсатор

Влияние состава электролита катодного осаждения на морфологию и емкостные свойства плёнки МnO2

Оксид марганца получали методом катодного электрохимического осаждения из растворов электролитов с добавками нитрата или сульфата натрия. Структурные характеристики и элементный состав образцов МnO2 изучали методами энергодисперсионного микроанализа, ИК-спектроскопии и просвечивающей электронной микроскопии. Электрохимические характеристики электродов определяли методами циклической вольтамперометрии, гальваностатического заряда-разряда и импедансной спектроскопии в 0.5 М растворе Na2SO4.

The properties of active carbon materials in double layer super capacitors in the electrolyte based on the mi[ture of acetjnitrile-tetramethylammonium bis(oxalate) borate

The efficiency of the electrolyte based on the mixture of acetonitrile – tetramethylammonium bis(oxalate)borate with the concentration of the latter 0.7 mol/kg in double layer supercapacitors has been shown. Electrochemical properties of active carbon materials Norit DLC Supra 30 and Kausorb-212 have been investigated in supercapacitor samples of disk construction in 2016 dimensions using potentiodynamic and galvanostatic methods.

The cjncentration effects of the conductive fillers in the carbon-carbon electrodes of the electrochemical capacitor

Recent experimental results on the electrical and electrochemical properties of carbon-carbon electrodes of electrochemical capacitors (supercapacitors) are discussed. The dependence of electronic conductivity, specific capacity and the equivalent series resistance on the concentration and nature of the conductive filler is revealed: carbon black PA-76, carbon fibers VGCF grown in vacuum.

Электрохимические свойства композитных электродов, содержащих наночастицы солей меди

The energetic properties of the new composite electrode materials suitable for electrochemical capacitors were investigated. Composite electrodes were made using Norit A activated carbon and synthesized sparingly soluble copper salts such as copper iodide(I) and hexacyanoferrates (II), etc. (III). The composition of the salts was confirmed by elemental analysis and the particle size was determined by the Scherrer equation using the data of X­-ray phase analysis.