"Electrochemical Energetics", 2007, Vol. 7, iss. 1

Fuel cells
Tarasova L. D., Plakhotnik V. N., Prisyazhnyi V. D., Chernukhin S. N., Teslyuk E. O.
Production of electrolytes based on LiPF6 and mixtures of carbonate estors by means of double exchange reactions
Aleksandrov K. A., Batalov N. N., Kozlova Z. R., Surikov V. T.
Degradation of matrix electrolyte under Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell environment
Kapustina N. A., Tarasevich M. R., Bogdanovskaya V. A., Chalykh A. E.
Kinetics of Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Cobalt Containing Systems with Low Platinum Content
Kuz'micheva E. V., Reshetov V. A., Kazarinov I. A., Ignatov O. V.
A microbial fuel cell based on Escherichia Coli