ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

For citation:

Smetankin G. P., Matekin S. S., Burdyugov A. S., Plokhova T. V. Tests of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries for capacity safety during long-term storage after charging with direct and asymmetric currents. Electrochemical Energetics, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 33-35. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2012-12-1-33-35, EDN: PEVRWZ

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Tests of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries for capacity safety during long-term storage after charging with direct and asymmetric currents

Smetankin Georgii Pavlovich, All-Russian Research and Design Institute of an Elektrovozostroyeniye (JSC VELNII)
Matekin S. S., All-Russian Research and Design Institute of an Elektrovozostroyeniye (JSC VELNII)
Burdyugov Aleksandr Sergeevich, All-Russian Research and Design Institute of an Elektrovozostroyeniye (JSC VELNII)
Plokhova Tat'yana Vladislavovna, All-Russian Research and Design Institute of an Elektrovozostroyeniye (JSC VELNII)

Comparative results of the tests of the sealed nickel-cadmium batteries for capacity safety during long-term storage after charging with direct and asymmetric currents are represented. Charging with asymmetric current was carried out in an accelerated manner at average value of the charging current equal to 0.8Crated. Charging with direct current was carried out at average value of the charging current equal to 0. lCrated in accordance with Technical Conditions. Tests prove that batteries acceleratedly charged with asymmetric current are compliant with technical conditions concerning capacity safety during long-time storage. Tests also prove discharge capacity advantage of batteries charged with asymmetric current after long storage, in comparison with batteries charged with direct current.


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