ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

композиционные электроды

Polymer Binders for the Electrodes of Lithium Batteries. Part 1. Polyvinylidene Fluoride, its Derivatives and Other Commercialized Materials

The current situation in technology and developments in the field of polymer binders for composite electrodes of lithium electrochemical systems are discussed. A wide range of synthetic and natural polymers used for this purpose is considered. Emphasis is placed on commercially available materials, which form aqueous solutions or dispersions. The advantages of multifunctional polymer binders are demonstrated.

The Polymer Binders for the Electrodes of Lithium Batteries. Part 2. Synthetic and Natural Polymers

The second part of the review describes the prospects of using alternative polymer binders for composite electrodes of lithium electrochemical systems. Possible options having been taken into account, the most popular commercially-available synthetic polymers with functional group (the ones forming aqueous solutions or dispersions predominantly) and water-soluble polymers of natural origin are considered. The versatility of such materials is their distinctive feature.

Polymer binders for the electrodes of lithium batteries. Part 3. Conductive polymers

The third part of the review is devoted to polymer binders with electronic conductivity used to make composite electrodes for lithium electrochemical systems. Polymer semiconductors (“synthetic metals”), related polymers with additionally introduced functional groups, related copolymers and mixtures of polymers, as well as carbon chain polymers and copolymers with inсorporated polyaromatic fragments are considered.