"Electrochemical Energetics", 2002, Vol. 2, iss. 4

Bazanov M. I., Petrov A. V., Potapov P. P., Turchaninova I. V., Samoletov O. V., Filimonov D. A.
The elaboration catalyzed cathodes for Li-SOCl2 sources
Semykin A. V., Kazarinov I. A., Khomskaya E. A.
Influence of file active mass composition and discharging conditions on the electrochemical performance of the negative electrodes of nickel-cadmium storage batteriecadmium storage batteries
Vlasova E. L., Baranov A. P., Kuznetsov K. Y., Radkevich Y. B.
Influence of file active mass composition and discharging conditions on the electrochemical performance of the negative electrodes of nickel-cadmium storage batterie
Chebotarev A. V., Kazarinov I. A.
Salient features of double electrical layer formation on cadmium-nickel alloys