ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

For citation:

Burashnikova M. M., Khramkova T. S., Ivannikova V. S., Kazarinov I. A. /The effect of modified absorbtive glass mat separators on the efficiency of hydrogen ionization in lead-acid battery mock-ups. Electrochemical Energetics, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 206-213. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2014-14-4-206-213, EDN: TWVWCX

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/The effect of modified absorbtive glass mat separators on the efficiency of hydrogen ionization in lead-acid battery mock-ups

Burashnikova Marina Mikhailovna, Saratov State University
Khramkova Tat'yana Sergeevna, Saratov State University
Ivannikova Viktoriya Sergeevna, Saratov State University
Kazarinov Ivan Alekseevich, Saratov State University

The influence of porous structure of the absorptive glass mats manufactured by «Hollingsworth&Vose» (thickness 2.8 mm) and BernardDumas» (thickness 3.0 mm), modified by impregnation with polymeric emulsions on the basis of polyvinylidene fluoride (KYNAR), polyvinylpyrrolidone copolymer with styrene (PVS) and polytetrafluoroethylene (Tf), on the efficiency of ionization of hydrogen in lead-acid battery mock-ups. The use of polymer modified emulsions separators from absorbtive glass mat allows to increase the ionization rate of hydrogen on lead-dioxide electrode.


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