ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

For citation:

Efanova V. V., Mikhailova A. M. A stydy of topoelectrochemical processes on the interface of lithium and organic semiconductor by means of galvanostatic tur-on. Electrochemical Energetics, 2006, vol. 6, iss. 4, pp. 202-?. , EDN: OWWVIH

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Article type: 

A stydy of topoelectrochemical processes on the interface of lithium and organic semiconductor by means of galvanostatic tur-on

Efanova V. V., The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Mikhailova A. M., The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.

The investigations of transient processes on lithium-thiopyryllium hexochlorostonnate border by the method of chronopotentiometry have been carried out. The formation of interphase layers with a grain structure has been found. The formation of such layers can control the kinetics of anode and cathode processes. A transient layer performs Li+ ions functions of a unipolar conductor in the electric field and is adequately described by the model of currents limited by a space charge

Key words: 

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