ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

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Artyukhov D. I., Kiselev N. V., Gorshkov N. V., Gorokhovskii A. V., Burmistrov I. N. Research of Efficiency Dependence of Thermoelectrochemicals of Electrolyte Concentration. Electrochemical Energetics, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 212-?. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2019-19-4-212-222, EDN: BRFDBM

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Research of Efficiency Dependence of Thermoelectrochemicals of Electrolyte Concentration

Artyukhov Denis Ivanovich, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Kiselev Nikolai Vital'evich, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Gorshkov Nikolai Vyacheslavovich, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Gorokhovskii Aleksandr Vladilenovich, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Burmistrov Igor' Nikolaevich, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.

The use of heat of low-temperature sources dissipated into the environment for the production of useful energy is an urgent scientific and technical task. The article discusses the electrochemical principle of collecting the heat of low potential sources (temperature less than 100°C) and converting it into electricity using a thermoelectrochemical cell based on complex salts of potassium ferri/ferrocyanide redox electrolyte. The efficiency of converting low-grade heat into useful energy in the studied cell type largely depends on the electrolyte concentration. In the course of the work, the dependences of the output power of the thermoelectrochemical cell on the electrolyte concentration in the range from 0.2 to 0.6 mol/L and at temperature gradients from 10 to 50 degrees were established. The results of complex impedance measurements showed the dependence between the internal resistance of the cell and the electrolyte concentration. The data obtained make it possible to optimize the composition of electrolytes based on potassium ferri/ferrocyanide to develop devices for collecting the conversion of low-grade heat to electricity.


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