ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

For citation:

Galushkin D. N. Possibility of thermal runaway in the lamellar nickel-cadmium accumulators. Electrochemical Energetics, 2007, vol. 7, iss. 3, pp. 128-?. , EDN: LEZGZX

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Possibility of thermal runaway in the lamellar nickel-cadmium accumulators

Galushkin Dmitrii Nikolaevich, Institute of Services Industry and Businesses (branch) of DGTU

The probability of the thermal runaway in nickel-cadmium accumulators with lamellar electrodes has been studied experimentally. It has been shown that in electrodes of these accumulators that have long terms of service there is a great amount of hydrogen just as in the accumulators with metal-ceramic and striking electrodes. However, the thermal runaway in nickel-cadmium accumulators with lamellar electrodes is less probable than in the accumulators with metal-ceramic and striking electrodes.

Key words: 

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