For citation:
Mintyanskii I. V., Kovalyuk Z. D., Savitskii P. I., Netyaga V. V. Impedance spectroscopy studies of Li/Bi2Se3 <1%Cu> system. Electrochemical Energetics, 2006, vol. 6, iss. 1, pp. 46-?. , EDN: MLKJDT
Impedance spectroscopy studies of Li/Bi2Se3 <1%Cu> system
The system Li/1M LiBF4 in γ-butyrolactone/Вi2Se3 <1%Си> is firstly investigated by the impedance spectroscopy method. The measured impedance spectra as a function of the depth of discharge and temperature are presented. Modeling the experimental data was carried out on the basis of different equivalent circuits and their acceptance is estimated. We have determined the parameters of the circuits' elements and found the coefficients describing the electrode reactions and interfaces. The obtained results are in good agreement to the intercalation-disproportion mechanism of the current-forming reaction of the lithium-bismuth selenide system.