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For citation:

Bakhmatyuk B. P., Kurepa A. S. Electrochemical properties of activated carbon in alkaline electrolyte. Electrochemical Energetics, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 4, pp. 206-212. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2011-11-4-206-212, EDN: OWWFVZ

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Electrochemical properties of activated carbon in alkaline electrolyte

Bakhmatyuk B. P., National University "Lvov Polyequipment"
Kurepa A. S., National University "Lvov Polyequipment"

We have studied the capacitance and kinetic properties of nanoporous carbon material which was obtained from wood. The maximum radius pore distribution of the investigated material was 1.37 nm. The data from X-ray scattering and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to investigate the influence of porous structure change and electronic structure of activated carbon material on the mechanism and kinetics of charge-discharge at 7.6m KOH solution. It was proved that depending on the electrode potential and chemical potentials of electrolyte ions there are two different mechanisms of the charge of the porous structure of investigated material. The first mechanism is a process of electrostatic adsorption of hydrated electrolyte ions, and the second is a process electrosorption of H+ or OH. It was shown the cycle of charge-discharge capacity of 95 F/g can be made for two seconds and this is half of the maximum capacity of the material under study.


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