For citation:
Yakubovskaya E. V., Volynskii V. V., Kazarinov I. A. Changes in the discharge characteristics of nickel-cadmium FKM mock-up batteries with nickel-oxide electrodes on a metallized carbon-graphite felt basis during long cycling. Electrochemical Energetics, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 104-107. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2015-15-2-104-107, EDN: VVIZMR
Changes in the discharge characteristics of nickel-cadmium FKM mock-up batteries with nickel-oxide electrodes on a metallized carbon-graphite felt basis during long cycling
Our test results of nickel-cadmium FKM mock-up batteries with metal-felt nickel-oxide electrodes are presented. The discharge characteristics of the tested mock-up batteries with nickel-oxide electrodes made on the carbon-graphite felt basis are shown to exceed virtually all relevant requirements of Russian Railway Industry Standards. The high cyclability of these batteries was established: reduction of the discharge capacity lower than the nominal value was observed after 3100 cycles.
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