ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

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Research of capacity renewal of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries 10НКГЦ-1.8-1

Comparative results of capacity renewal of sealed nickel-cadmium batteries with asymmetric and direct currents after their long-term storage are represented. Capacity renewal with asymmetric current was carried out in an accelerated manner at average value of the charging current equal to 0,25Crated. Capacity renewal with direct current was carried out at average value of the charging current equal to 0,1Crated in accordance with Technical Conditions.

The results of comparative research of nickel cadmium accumulators formation with the constant and asymmetric currents

The results of nickel cadmium accumulators (NCA) formation with the asymmetric and constant currents are represented. Accumulators formation with the asymmetric current allowed to reduce one-half the time of technological cycle of placing these accumulators in service, comparing with the constant current mode, with maintenance of their operational characteristics. Comparative characteristics of NCA operational parameters are given.

Electrotechnical model of metal ceramic oxide nickel electrode pore

Electric circuit of substitution of metal-ceramic oxide-nickel electrode pore that allows to make computer simulation of current distribution in the pore depth during asymmetrical current polarization and simulation results are given. The range of asymmetrical current parameters chosen due to the simulation results provides required current distribution in the pore depth with minimum cost of charging device that increases economic force of attraction of processing method implementation during manufacturing and exploitation of batteries with asymmetrical current.

The research of nickel-cadmium accumulators forming process on their physical models

Approach to the choice of charge termination criterion of nickel-cadmium accumulators forming cycles is described. The results of accumulators' physical models forming, using chosen criterion are represented. The research shows the effectiveness of prolonged – before voltage regulation – charges during nickel-cadmium accumulators capacity forming due to the considerable decrease in the number of charge-discharge forming cycles and improvement of their discharge characteristics.

Tests of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries for capacity safety during long-term storage after charging with direct and asymmetric currents

Comparative results of the tests of the sealed nickel-cadmium batteries for capacity safety during long-term storage after charging with direct and asymmetric currents are represented. Charging with asymmetric current was carried out in an accelerated manner at average value of the charging current equal to 0.8Crated. Charging with direct current was carried out at average value of the charging current equal to 0. lCrated in accordance with Technical Conditions.

Automated rapid charge of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries with asymmetric current, and its influence on the resource

The research results of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries reliability at the rapid charge with asymmetric current are represented. In accordance with the reliability theory postulates, the experimental data of the resource test in the mode of the storage batteries 10NKGZ-1,8-1, 10NKGZ-3,5-l, 10NKGZ-4 cycling.

Research of nickel cadmium storage batteries 42NK-125 capacity regeneration.

The comparative results of nickel cadmium storage batteries capacity regeneration with asymmetrical and direct currents after their exploitation on the electric locomotives in the conditions of constant floating with current impulses are represented. The capacity regeneration with asymmetrical current was carried out rapidly, the battery was restored with charging capacity numerically equal to 1.2Cnom.

Research of sealed nickel-cadmium accumu-lators with thin electrodes formation

The results of nickel-cadmium accumulators formation with asymmetric current, in the mode providing long life of the first cycle till the accumulator stress stops to grow, are represented. The possibility of using stress on the accumulator as criterion of charge completion is proved. Research shows efficiency of mode applying chosen criterion – consedirable decrease of charge-discharge cycles of formation while preserving given working characteristics.