ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)


Behavior of electrodeposited silicon film on glassy carbon during lithiation and delithiation

Silicon is one of the promising anode materials for lithium-ion batteries with enhanced performance. However, the degradation of silicon during lithiation/delithiation is still the main problem that prevents it commercial use as electrodes. In this work the behavior of a silicon film of about 5–6 µm thick electrodeposited from LiCl-KCl-CsCl-K2SiF6 melt on glassy carbon was studied during its lithiation and delithiation, the film being a part of the anode half-cell of a lithium-ion battery.

Поведение электроосажденной пленки кремния на стеклоуглероде при литировании и делитировании

Кремний является одним из перспективных материалов анода литий-ионных источников тока с повышенными эксплуатационными характеристиками. Однако, деградация кремния в ходе литирования/делитирования по-прежнему остается основной проблемой, которая не позволяет применять его в коммерческом использовании в качестве электродов. В работе изучено поведение электроосажденной из расплава LiCl-KCl-CsCl-K2SiF6 на стеклоуглероде пленки кремния толщиной около 5-6 мкм при ее литировании и делитировании в составе анодного полуэлемента литий-ионного источника тока.

Ni-Mo and Ni-Mo-Co composite catalytic alloys for alkaline water electrolysis

Currently, a large number of studies on alkaline water electrolysis are being carried out with the aim of reducing the specific energy costs for the hydrogen evolution reaction and the oxygen evolution reaction. This work is devoted to the methods of synthesis of highly dispersed composite coating on the surface of nickel foam and the methods of the formation of bi- and ternary catalytic alloys based on molybdenum using electrochemical deposition.

Anodic behavior of electrolytically deposited lead and zinc in perchloric acid solutions and their possible use as anodes in backup power sources

The behavior of electrolytically deposited Pb and Zn in 40% perchloric acid at temperatures ranging from 30°C – +55°C. It is established that the electrochemical system Zn/HClO4/PbO2 has a higher discharge voltage and specific capacity compared to the system РЬ/НClO4/РЬO2. It is shown that in the temperature range from 0°C to +55°C the specific capacitance of the investigated electrochemical systems vary slightly.