ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

никель-кадмиевый аккумулятор

Discharge characteristics of the nickel oxide electrode on metallized graphitized carbon felt base

The development of nickel-cadmium batteries with high energy capacious electrodes is described. Selection and development of technology of manufacturing nickel-oxide electrodes based on nickel-plated carbon and graphite felt materials are considered. Discharge characteristics of the electrodes are analysed.

Theoretical and applied aspects of the nickel-cadmium battery shunting problem

The possible mechanisms of cadmium shunting in nickel-cadmium batteries are analyzed. The transfer of the negative elektrode active mass to the interelectrode gap is shown to be the main cause leading to a short circuit. The complete or partial cathodic reduction of this mass results in the separator loosing its insulating ability and in an internal short circuit.

The research of nickel-cadmium accumulators forming process on their physical models

Approach to the choice of charge termination criterion of nickel-cadmium accumulators forming cycles is described. The results of accumulators' physical models forming, using chosen criterion are represented. The research shows the effectiveness of prolonged – before voltage regulation – charges during nickel-cadmium accumulators capacity forming due to the considerable decrease in the number of charge-discharge forming cycles and improvement of their discharge characteristics.

Influence of Asymmetric Current Parameters on Nickel-Cadmium Accumulators Formation Process Time

Comparison of asymmetric current parameters influence on nickel-cadmium accumulators forming time is performed. According to the results of capacity forming of NKM-22 accumulators with thin pressed cadmium and metal-ceramic electrodes, the perspective of application of asymmetric current with parameters chosen during experiments and used in this paper is established. Waveforms giving the biggest increase of capacity comply with the most economical parameters defined om models during experiments.

Research of sealed nickel-cadmium accumu-lators with thin electrodes formation

The results of nickel-cadmium accumulators formation with asymmetric current, in the mode providing long life of the first cycle till the accumulator stress stops to grow, are represented. The possibility of using stress on the accumulator as criterion of charge completion is proved. Research shows efficiency of mode applying chosen criterion – consedirable decrease of charge-discharge cycles of formation while preserving given working characteristics.

Comparative Research of Asymmetric Current Parameters Influ-Ence on Accumulators Formation Process

Comparison of influence of asymmetric current parameters on nickel-cadmium accumulators formation process time is carried out. According to the results of capacity formation of accumulators types NKPLHC-0,5 with thin extruded electrodes, we established good perspective for application of asymmetric current with parameters chosen during experiments and applied in this paper. Current waveform which gave the biggest capacity increase, has long charging impulse and short, with wide range, discharge impulse.

Porous Strukturen and Electrochemical Characteristics of Nickel-Oxide Electrodes Based on Metallized Carbon Graphite Felt Matrix

A study of the porous structure and discharge characteristics of electrochemically impregnated nickel oxide electrodes based on nickel- ized graphitized felt«Voilocarb-22» is conducted. It is shown that the developed technology of nickel oxide electrodes fabrication that involves such operations as nickel plating of the substrate, electrochemical impregnation, electrode formation and pressing allows forming polydisperse structured electrode active material with pore sizes ranging from 0.01 pm to 100 pm.