ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)


Electrochemical activity of the electrodes with electrocatalytic coatings

Electrochemical activity of electrodes for electrolysis of water is investigated. As catalysts coating Ni-S-Co, suspension LaNi2.5Co2.4Al0.1 or their combinations were applied. As electrolyte at test of electrodes 30% KOH or NaOH is used. Current density varied in a range from 10 to 600 мА/cm2 at temperature 20-80°C. When the temperature increases from 20 to 80°C the current density on cathodes with composite LaNi2.5Co2.4Alo.i/Ni-S-Co catalyst increases 4 times at constant potential E = –1.10 V (rel. Hg/HgO).

Development of the effective ways of the activation of the anodes for water electrolysis

Electrochemical activity of anodes on the basis of a nickel mesh grid for water electrolysis is investigated. Activation of anodes was made by three ways:
1) chemical covering sulfur-containing compounds of nickel and iron;
2) immersing in solution Na2S2O3 + H2SO4 (till pH=3);
3) immersing in solution Na2S + H2SO4 (till pH=3).