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ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

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Prokhorov I. Y. Role of Ionic Donor Structural State in Polyvinyl Based Proton Conducting Membranes. Electrochemical Energetics, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 89-98. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2017-17-2-89-98, EDN: ZVRPAB

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Role of Ionic Donor Structural State in Polyvinyl Based Proton Conducting Membranes

Prokhorov Igor' Yur'evich, Federal State Institution «A. A. Galkin Donetsk Physical and Technical Institute»


Polyvinyl alcohol based, protonated montmorillonite nanoparticles or aggregates doped membranes were produced by slip casting from diluted aqueous solutions and alcohol/borate crosslinking. In both cases, permeability was as low as below 2 ? 10?7 cm2/s while protonic conductivity was about by order higher in membranes with aggregated particles than in ones containing isolated nanoparticles and approaches 5 mS/cm. Highest selectivity of membranes with aggregated protonic donor was about 105 S?s/cm3, one order higher than selectivity of conventional PVA-based electrolytes and nearly two orders higher than the selectivity of commercially available perfluorinated materials. Such performance allows to consider new structured electrolytes as the base materials for advanced DMFC, transducers, soft actuators, and/or other electrochemical devices.


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