ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

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Gubanova T. V., Garkushin I. K., Mikhalkina O. V. Search for low-melting functional electrolytes in a four-component reciprocal system Na⁺, Rb⁺, Cs⁺ || F⁻, NO₃⁻. Electrochemical Energetics, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 4, pp. 167-187. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2023-23-4-167-187, EDN: TRXIMW

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Search for low-melting functional electrolytes in a four-component reciprocal system Na⁺, Rb⁺, Cs⁺ || F⁻, NO₃⁻

Gubanova Tat'yana Valer'evna, Samara State Technical University
Garkushin Ivan Kirillovich, Samara State Technical University
Mikhalkina Olga Valer'evna, Samara State Technical University

The division of the four-component reciprocal system Na+, Rb+, Cs+ || F, NO3 into stable elements was carried out for the first time. The phase tree, confirmed by the experimental data from the differential thermal analysis, was constructed. The chemical interaction in a yet unexplored faceting element, i. e. in the three-component reciprocal system Na+, Cs+ || F, NO3, and in the four-component reciprocal system was studied. Phase equilibria in the three-component reciprocal system Na+, Cs+ || F, NO3 and in the stable tetrahedron NaF-NaNO3-RbNO3-CsNO3 of the four-component reciprocal system Na+, Rb+, Cs+ || F, NO3 were experimentally studied. The calculation-graphical method to predict the melting temperature in the stable elements of the four-component reciprocal system Na+, Rb+, Cs+ || F, NO3 by describing the lower and the upper boundaries of properties according to the data of the one-, two- and three-component systems was used. The obtained compositions of eutectic alloys can be used as low-melting electrolytes for chemical cells, heat-storing materials, heat-storage mediums, melt-solvents of inorganic substances and as a reference material.

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