ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

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Guseva E. S., Popova S. S., Frantsev R. K. Prospective Composite Materials for Lithium~Ion Battery Cathodes Based on~Transition Metals Oxide and Rare Earth Elements Oxides Modified with Fullerene and Fluoride Ions. Electrochemical Energetics, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 161-?. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2018-18-4-161-191, EDN: MSRUBP

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Prospective Composite Materials for Lithium~Ion Battery Cathodes Based on~Transition Metals Oxide and Rare Earth Elements Oxides Modified with Fullerene and Fluoride Ions

Guseva Ekaterina Stanislavovna, The Saratov State Technical University of Gagarin Yu. A.
Popova Svetlana Stepanovna, Engelssky Institute of Technology of the Saratov State Technical University
Frantsev Roman Konstantinovich, Engelssky Institute of Technology of the Saratov State Technical University

The review of cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries is presented, the analysis of advantages and application prospects of cathode materials on the basis of lithiated transition metals oxides is carried out. A method of heterovalent modification by ions of highly negative elements, lanthanum and its analogues for improving the electrochemical indices and stability of lithium manganese spinel is proposed. The effectiveness of fullerene, lithium fluoride, fullerenes halogen derivatives as modifying additive for MnO2 cathode materials has been noticed.


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