ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

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Koshkina A. A., Yaroslavtseva T. V., Urusova N. V., Reznizkikh O. G., Khrustalev M. A., Nefedova K. V., Zhuravlev V. D., Bushkova O. V. Lithium borates as a surface protective layer for lithium-manganese spinel. Electrochemical Energetics, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 88-102. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2024-24-2-88-102, EDN: BXJTPZ

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Lithium borates as a surface protective layer for lithium-manganese spinel

Koshkina Anastasia A., Institute of Solid State Chemistry
Yaroslavtseva Tatiana V., Institute of Solid State Chemistry
Urusova Natalia V., Institute of Solid State Chemistry
Reznizkikh Olga G., Institute of Solid State Chemistry
Khrustalev Mikhail A., Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Nefedova Kseniya Valer'evna, Institute of Solid State Chemistry
Zhuravlev Viktor Dmitrievich, Institute of Solid State Chemistry
Bushkova Ol'ga Viktorovna, Institute of Solid State Chemistry

The protective properties of the coating applied to the surface of lithium-manganese spinel (LiMn2O4), using the eutectic composition of Li2O : B2O3 = 47 : 53 (wt.) with the melting point of 650°C, were studied. The content of the eutectic lithium borate varied from 1% to 10%. The electrochemical behavior of the obtained materials in the cathode half-cells of lithium-ion battery was studied at room temperature. It was shown that an abnormally large decrease in the specific capacity of lithium-manganese spinel took place simultaneously with the stabilizing effect. The side chemical reactions that occur between LiMn2O4 and the eutectic lithium borate during annealing while applying a protective layer were analyzed. The chemical stability of lithium-manganese spinel (LiMn2O4) and the manganese-containing solid solution with the layered structure, LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2, with respect to enriched lithium borates, was compared.

The work was carried out in accordance with the state assignment for the Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Brunch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (registration no. NIOKTR 124020600047-4 and 124020600004-7).
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