For citation:
Kuz'mina A. A., Kudryashova Y. O., Kulova T. L., Skundin A. M., Chekannikov A. A. Degradation Mechanism of Electrodes from Sodium Titanate at Cycling. Electrochemical Energetics, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 148-156. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2019-19-3-148-156, EDN: JXVFTL
Degradation Mechanism of Electrodes from Sodium Titanate at Cycling
Degradation of Na2Ti3O7-based electrodes is studied by galvanostatic as well as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methods. The rate of degradation was shown to decrease from cycle to cycle as the cycling progresses and also as the cycling current increases. It was concluded that the main reason of degradation is the gradual an electrolyte reduction with the formation of insoluble products (SEI).
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