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Korchagin O. V., Tarasevich M. R. Current-producing reactions in fuel cells with proton-conducting and anion-conducting electrolytes. Electrochemical Energetics, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 3, pp. 117-132. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2014-14-3-117-132, EDN: TQCJOJ

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Current-producing reactions in fuel cells with proton-conducting and anion-conducting electrolytes

Korchagin Oleg Vyacheslavovich, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of A. N. Frumkina of RAS
Tarasevich Mikhail Romanovich, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of A. N. Frumkina of RAS

Features of current generation processes in MEA of hydrogen-air (oxygen) fuel cells with proton-conducting (acidic) and anion-conducting (alkaline) solid polymer electrolytes were compared. Certain parameters of electrode reactions and characteristics of electrolytes and interaction effects of MEA’s components in FC operation and also destabilizing factors which deriving direct from current flow as well as from presence of impurities in the fuel and oxidant were discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of using acid and alkaline electrolytes and also state of the art in the fuel cells based on them were characterized.


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