ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

биологические топливные элементы

Phase diagrams of the ternary systems NaBH4–NaOH–H2O, KBH4–KOH–H2O, NaBO2–NaOH–H2O and KBO2–KOH–H2O by -10°С

A study of the solubility in the ternary systems NaBH4–NaOH–H2O, KBH4–KOH–H2O, NaOH–NaBO2–H2O и KOH–KBO2–H2O is of special fundamental and practical interest. The first two systems are used as a fuel and as a hydrogen source in hydrogen power engineering that includes the low-temperature fuel cells; borohydrides are converted into metaborates. Hence, the last two systems represent the discharged by-product.

Book review: Mahendra Rai, Anatoly Reshetilov, Yulia Plekhanova, Avinash P. Ingle, editors. Macro, Micro, and Nano-Biosensors: Potential Applications and Possible Limitation

The main idea of the book is that, depending on the addressed problem, different approaches are to be used; macro constructs are to be worked with in some cases, micro and nano in others. Biosensors considered are electrochemical, optical, atomic force microscopy-based; biofuel cells that develop the idea of electrochemical biosensors are intended for a double purpose of cleaning up the environment and working out electrical energy.