ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)


Electrochemical activity of the cathodes with chemical coatings Ni-S-Fe

The electrochemical activity of nickel mesh cathodes activated by electrocatalysts of chemically deposited coatings Ni-S-Fe is investigated. The maximum reduction of overvoltage at current density 6 kA/m2 and temperature 70°C is 0.34 V. Comparison of the electrochemical activity of such cathodes with similar cathodes described in the scientific literature revealed that at the same temperature and same overvoltage the current density is twice higher than for the known electrodes.

Electrochemical Impedance of Lithium-tionyl Chloride Current Sources in the Low-frequency Range


Low-frequency electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range from 12.5 to 5 ? 10?4 Hz was used to study changes in standard lithium-thionyl chloride cells during their discharge. Analysis of possible equivalent circuits describing the experimental data shows that the behavior of the cells discharged to 70% can be simulated by finite diffusion impedance in this frequency range.