ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

теплоаккумулирующие материалы

Volume Change When Melting Halides of s'-Elements and their Double Mixes: Analytical Description, Calculation and Interrelation

An important feature when using low-melting mixtures of halides of s-elements as a refiner of electrolytes for chemical power sources and thermal storage materials in thermal batteries is the amount of volume increase in the melting process which can be calculated by the formula [1]:
?V = ((Vк – Vж) / Vк)·100% = (?V/Vк)·100%,(1)

Searching for Optimal Electrolyte Compo-sitions for Chemical Sources of the Current and Heat- Accumulating Materials on the Ba-sis of Li,K||F,Cl,VO3,MoO4 Five-component Resiprocal System

In modem technological processes increase used molten multicomponent solt mixtures. Determination of the composition and melting temperature are important in application of the compositions, identification of patterns processes occurring during melting and solidification of alloys, as well as the phases in equilibrium at a given thermodynamic conditions, possibly in the study of phase diagrams.