ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

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Prisyazhnyi V. D., Andriiko A. A., Chmilenko N. A. Lithium-modified manganese oxides as materials for the positive electrode of the lithium batteiy. Electrochemical Energetics, 2001, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 73-79.

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Lithium-modified manganese oxides as materials for the positive electrode of the lithium batteiy

Prisyazhnyi Vitalii Demyanovich, Interdepartmental Branch of Electrochemical Power of NAN of Ukraine
Andriiko A. A., Institute of the General and Inorganic Chemistry of V. I. Vernadsky NAN of Ukraine
Chmilenko N. A., Interdepartmental Branch of Electrochemical Power of NAN of Ukraine

New phases in the Li2O-MnO2 system were obtained, capable of introducing lithium electrochemically at potentials about 3 V and reversibly. They possess a stable capacity on the level 70-80 mA·hour/g. Due to their low cost, simplicity of synthesis, and high cycling ability, the oxides synthesized show promise as a cathodic material for lithium-ionic batteries.

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