ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)


The influence of the microstructure of the SOFC tubular basis on the formation of the film layer of the SSZ electrolyte

The methodology for preparing precursors for the fabrication of the anode-supported tubular substrates from NiO/YSZ composite was developed. The optimal amount of the pore-forming agent to get the well-developed porosity in the supporting anode was determined. The relationship between the fabrication methods of the anodic and electrolytic functional layers in SOFCs was demonstrated.

Electrochemical characteristics of the La0.9Sr0.1Sс0.4Mn0.6O3 – δ cathode contacting the La0.9Sr0.1SсO3 – δ proton-conducting electrolyte

In this work, the material La0.9Sr0.1Sс0.4Mn0.6O3 – δ was synthesized using the citrate-nitrate method. The electrochemical characteristics of the material were studied using impedance spectroscopy on symmetric cells and compared with the model Pt cathode contacting the proton-conducting electrolyte. It was shown that the polarization resistance of the investigated material is approximately two orders lower than that of the model Pt electrode.

The effect of synthesis technique on the microstructure of doped lanthanum zirconate materials

High synthesis temperatures and sintering-active powders are required to obtain electrolyte materials with a pyrochlore structure. The smaller the particle size, the higher the density of the resulting samples is. The synthesis of highly dispersed oxide powders of doped lanthanum zirconate was carried out using a series of methods to determine the influence of experimental conditions on the microstructure of the resulting powders and ceramics.