ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)

For citation:

Chikishev S. A., Ivanov A. V., Stroeva A. Y., Bervitskaya O. S., Ichetovkina V. A., Ichetovkin Z. N., Bobro M. S., Vorotnikov V. A., Duvakin A. M., Kuzmin A. V. Application of the distribution of relaxation times method for the analysis of the polarization resistance of tubular SOFC. Electrochemical Energetics, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 4, pp. 174-179. DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2024-24-4-174-179, EDN: HKEVKY

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Application of the distribution of relaxation times method for the analysis of the polarization resistance of tubular SOFC

Chikishev Stepan Andreevich, Vyatka State University
Ivanov Aleksey Vitalievich, Vyatka State University
Stroeva Anna Y., Vyatka State University
Bervitskaya Olga S., Vyatka State University
Ichetovkina Victoria A., Vyatka State University
Ichetovkin Zakhar Nikolaevich, Vyatka State University
Bobro Mark S., Vyatka State University
Vorotnikov Vladimir A., Vyatka State University
Duvakin Anatoly M., Vyatka State University
Kuzmin Anton Valerievich, Vyatka State University

Electrode processes occurring in a tubular solid oxide fuel cell were studied using the distribution of relaxation time (DRT) method. The conclusion about the localization of the processes and their nature was made by analyzing the capacitances of the processes and changing their activation energy because of sequential activation of the electrodes. The greatest contribution to the total resistance of the cell was made by cathodic processes at the electrode-contact and electrode-electrolyte boundaries.

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