ISSN 1608-4039 (Print)
ISSN 1680-9505 (Online)


Electrochemical and electrocatalitical properties metallopolimers and macroheterocyclic complexes with cobalt

By cyclic voltammetry in alkaline solution investigatied electrochemical and electrocatalytic properties of polymeric phthalocyanines and Macroheterocyclic compounds with cobalt. Influence of change of potentials in area from 0,5 to-1,4 B and speeds of scanning from 5 to 100 mV/s on cyclic I-E-curves and redox-transformations of catalysts is studied.

The influence metall nature on electrochemical and electrocatalitical properties metallopolimers on the paraphenilendiamine basis

The electrochemical and electrocatalitical properties complexes on the paraphenilendiamine basis investigating in alkaline solution by cyclicvoltammetry method. Was determined redox potentials connected with the transformation the compounds-making ion and organic ligand. Stating the value of electrocatalytic activity in molecular oxygen electroreduction.